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Microsoft Graph Data Connect

A secure, scalable data service built to quickly copy relevant Microsoft 365 datasets into your Azure tenant for advanced analytics and insights.

Mine rich insights from your Microsoft 365 data estate

Microsoft Graph is your organization's gateway to Microsoft 365 data for productivity, identity, and security. Microsoft Graph Data Connect enables developers to copy select Microsoft 365 datasets into Azure data stores in a secure and scalable way. It's ideal for training machine learning and AI models that uncover rich organizational insights and deliver new value to analytics solutions.
Granular consent ensures that applications can access only the data that's essential to their function, and not more
Data governance lets developers specify a set of detailed policies to minimize compliance management overhead
Scalable data access delivers Microsoft Graph data to your app, on a repeatable schedule, with a few simple steps
Discrete Azure services allow developers to collocate an app and its data in a separately provisioned Azure instance

Access Microsoft 365 datasets at scale

Copy data at scale from a Microsoft 365 tenant and move it directly into Azure Data Factory without writing code. Get the data you need, delivered to your application on a repeatable schedule, in just a few simple steps.

Ensure that apps access only the data they need

Control how your organization's data is accessed with the Microsoft Graph Data Connect granular consent model. It requires that developers specify exactly what types of data or filter content their application will access. Likewise, administrators must give explicit approval to access Microsoft 365 data before access is granted.

Safeguard your data with built-in security

Deploy applications that access large datasets with confidence. Built-in security and data governance capabilities allow app developers to specify a set of detailed policies with which they intend to comply. Microsoft 365 administrators then review and consent to these policies, ensuring compliance.

Comprehensive security and compliance, built in

Pay for only the access you need

Whether you're building your first prototype or an enterprise-wide solution, pricing is simple—you'll pay a flat, metered rate for every thousand objects extracted through Microsoft Graph Data Connect through your Azure Data Factory instance.

Transform your understanding of productivity


Talentsoft and Dior explore HR transformation

Learn how HR software provider Talentsoft is using Microsoft Graph Data Connect to help Dior discover new ways to foster collaboration and creativity in its business.

Frequently asked questions about Microsoft Graph Data Connect

  • Microsoft Graph Data Connect is currently available in the following regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Australia. Other regions will follow.

    Visit the FAQ page to learn more

  • We've started with the following datasets:

    • Teams: 1:1, 1:N, and meeting chat messages
    • Outlook: messages, events, contacts, sent items, user entity, mailbox settings, calendar view, manager and direct reports, and mail folders

    We plan to add new datasets going forward and will disclose timelines as appropriate. However, it is unlikely that we will expose every Microsoft Graph dataset through Microsoft Graph Data Connect.

  • Organizations that can tap into the large datasets that power their productivity tools can gain tremendous insights into the challenges and opportunities they may encounter. During our public preview we've seen customers interested in sales productivity, data archiving and management, organizational optimization, intelligent workflows, and ensuring compliance.

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